Sunday, August 10, 2008

And We're Off!

Well I came upon the greatest summer job possible - or at least one of them - and it put me right smack dab in the middle of the Rockies with nothing but Nature around me. Since I'm now living in a tent in this loving atmosphere I've been included in many of the animals escapades, been wrapped up in tonnes of Natures moods and just relaxed in general among the creatures of the forest.

This paired with the free time I have has led to me writing casual, flighty anecdotes about views of Nature and her inhabitants. It has also brought to my attention many different relationships. Any and all can be found right here, after I post them of course. If some of the writing seems jumpy, odd and just plain weird, you can put it down to me being bushwacked, sometimes I go days without really seeing any people, that post could have been written on one of those days.

While out communining with Nature I have furthered my research regarding Paganism and started following it for it's spirituality and respect for Nature. I may also include little activities that pertain to Paganism and whichever tradition I'm focusing on at that point in time. I am trying to learn about all the traditions that I can at the moment.

So to sum it up, what might you find on this blog? Well you can find the latest trials and tribulations I've faced with the squirrels, you can find fanciful fiction that's popped into my head at some point, you can follow parts of my struggle to find my place among Nature's world by supporting her via Paganism. You can probably even find allusions to herbalism since I'm starting to dip my toes into that as well. Guess you'll just have to stick around and read to find out for sure :)

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